News Volume One

Texas Toast Jam:
The Gauntlet

Enter the Fox's Gauntlet of Death
Gator up across The Peddler's treacherous water pits.
Go up and down the purple teeter.
Balance across a pair of Oakleys.
Wallride your way through Liquor Bikes' martini glass
Monster truck over VClub's pink taco
Test your luck with Credence's Wheel of Misfortune
Take a breather in the shade, you're one third of the way through
Get your hops ready for the G-Sport and Blacken van
Then onto the Quintin hat
After the hat is the Credence and FBM vans
After the vans, you hop into a giant Vans shoe.
One of the deadliest obstacles in the Gauntlet - the Treeter Totter
Make it to the top and then wait for the plank to drop.
Cruise around the berm
Pedal through the LiveStrong wrist band
Enter the vortex of Empire's Curved Wallride
Face the Odyssey Dragon to make it up the Castle
If you've made it this far, congratulations, the only thing left is a little drop to freedom!!!

Texas Toast Jam is almost ready. Here’s a quick through the Gauntlet of Death.

Texas Toast Jam:
Dirt Preview

Veesh from hooked us up with this quick preview of the dirt course we have over at the Texas Toast Jam. Chase Hawk, Tom Dugan, Jim Bauer, Clint Reynolds and James Nutter all get some camera loving while testing out the 8 pack.

Travel Log:
Cayman Islands with Chase & Sean

Ahoy Mateys! Hold on to ye britches, wiggle ye peg legs n’ cast ye eyes on this month’s ODSY Vision. Cap’n Chase Hawk and Cap’n Sean Sexton be anchored they ships to ye Cayman Islands! They be scoured for lines in the olde Black Pearl, walked the planks with the scallywag stingrays and sailed the seas on boogie rigs in thou treacherous wave pool.

Walter Pieringer be behind magical box of moving portraits and he return with buried treasures. Shiver me timbers, this be a golden flick to watch!

Scrawl on Chase’s and Sean’s internet vessels on ye olde Twitter: @ChaseHawk512 and @sean_sexton.

Painting with Terry:

Photos from the filming of April’s ODSY Vision: Painting with Terry.

ODSY Vision
Bauer, setting up the camera
Overhead Camera
Terry, mid trick and checking the shot
Paint party
Terry Adams: Killer Flatlander
Bobby Carter was on the set
Terry Adams and Jim Bauer
Flatland ain't easy... especially with wet paint on your tires, shoes, pegs, pedals and the ground.
The End

Here’s a photo gallery from: ODSY VisionPainting with Terry.

Painting with Terry

For this month’s ODSY Vision, we grabbed a handful of paint buckets and recruited Flatware‘s Terry Adams to put together a little piece of art for us. Don’t let his finesse fool you though, the technique used makes this quite possibly one of the most difficult paintings ever done. Watch and enjoy!

Bookmark Terry’s website, fan him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.

Gary Young, March 2011

For this month’s ODSY Vision, we present to you… Mr. Gary Young!

Follow him on Twitter @GaryBYoung.

Travel Log:
Korea with Aaron & Tom

Aaron Ross and Tom Dugan recently went to Korea and brought back some good memories with them. From sitting through the rain, getting “X-ed” out of spots, sitting through more rain and not knowing what they were getting into at dinner, this travel log sums it all up.

Filmed / Edited by Walter Pieringer.

A Hole in One

Terry Adams and Aaron Ross go golfing…

Sean Sexton:



Downside whip at Chandler Skatepark. Filmed during our Happy New Year ODSY Vision.

Happy New Year!

2011 is upon us and here’s some new fire to kick off the new year from just about all the dudes in the Odyssey family. In this edit, you’ll find Hoang Tran, Gary Young, Terry Adams, Tom Dugan, Aaron Ross, Eric Lichtenberger, Adam Banton, Matt Beringer, Tom Perry, Matthias Dandois, Jimmy Levan, KC Badger, Justin Simpson, Chase Hawk, Sean Sexton and even a couple clips of Mike Aitken! Sit back and enjoy!