The Elementary Stem is Patented.

The Elementary Stem patent was published by the United States Patent Office on October 18, 2005. The assignment number is 6,955,371. Getting approval is a loooooong process. It’s usually close to two years. This is George French’s first U.S. patent, and there are certainly more to follow.

A lot of people worked on this product to make it a reality. In addition to all of the development hours put in by both George and myself, there was also the time invested by Jim Bauer and our team riders; Adam Banton, Jimmy LeVan, Gary Young and Jim Cielencki.

This is a great time to say, “thanks” to everyone. It’s hard to believe that Jim B. and George were using the prototypes back in the spring of 2003…Our latest poster in Ride (US) has incredible photos that show the stem being put to use by Jimmy LeVan and Jim Cielencki.

In closing, as you might expect, there’s obviously even more in store for the Elementary Stem in 2006. We’ll post the information here as it becomes available.

Thanks for reading.

— Chris