Pleg Preview

Well this website has been up for a while with pegs listed under the product section, and this is what we have been working on all that time.

As some people may already know, I have been running “plastic” pegs on my own bike for about the last 6 years now, ever since I put a steel peg through the side of my hand and had to have an operation to fix it.

Plastic pegs have a lot of advantages, they slide faster than steel, titanium or aluminium on any surface. They dont damage coping (so they should help bikers get access to some parks). They are less likely to kill you if they hit you in the back of the head. And of course they are massively lighter.

The Pleg uses a special steel insert that reinforces the end of the Pleg and provides a solid engagement on the dropout, and a replaceable “plastic” sleeve that is cheap and simple to change.

Weight is around 4ounces (112g) per peg, which is about half the weight of a typical steel peg and lighter than most titanium pegs too.

Plegs are the standard 4 inch (100mm) length but are slightly fatter than normal pegs at 42mm (a typical steel peg is 38mm). This extra thickness covers more of the dropout so you ONLY grind Pleg not frame, and helps the pleg get over skate stoppers ….
That’s right, we can actually grind skate-stoppered aluminium rails… and since they wont cause any real damage you dont even need to feel guilty about it.

With Plegs you can look at your streets in a whole new way. Rough concrete ledges, aluminium rails, rails with skate stoppers, wood, pretty much anything is now ridable.

So to the obvious question. Wear.
Yes, Plegs do wear out quicker than steel pegs, but who wants to cart around half a pound of steel you will never use? With normal use a set of Plegs will last a good year or more and when the sleeves get really heavily worn you can simply replace them.

Hopefully these will be available in early 2007.
