It’s finally here. The answer to ALL your hopes and dreams. The new smaller, lighter GLAND with bigger cable-tie-holes and BOBBLES!

Because GLANDs fix to, (and rotate with) the wheel they can use the very spokes they protect to help support them. This also means that they dont effect the dropout spacing or put any load on your hub axle. And because they are plastic they slide faster and are lighter too.

The BOBBLES! help to take some of the load off the cable-ties and keep the GLAND central, whilst still allowing the guard to fit virtually any hub, with any lacing pattern, front or rear.

And at just $11 they are probably the cheapest as well.

These have actually been available in Australia and some other countries for a while, but they are now in the Odyssey warehouse ready to ship to distributors, so North Americans should be able to satisfy their needs within a few weeks, and the rest of the world wont be far behind…