INTERBIKE. thats it its over
Yes it was a tandem.
It was a hit at the show. The first part of the first day, people were impressed, but scared to ride it. After the first couple patrons bombed up and down the aisles, it caught on. The bike was out of the booth more than it was in it, for the rest of the show. NORA cup winner Matthias Dondois was doing spinning front wheel manuvers, and Jimmy Le Van figured out how to bunny hop it. It was wild. Good times. Thanks to Jason Ball and Neal Wood at S&M for making the frame for us.
Nuno and Jim at the dry erase voice bubble wall. It got hit up a lot, and many pictures were taken, insulting your friends.
This was impressive. Ashton (left) and Chad (right) used the incubator boxes to build that wheel from scratch! There were spokes, nipples, hubs, and rims in the display and these guys from Pedal and Spoke ltd in North Aurora, IL took it upon themselves to build that wheel using the gloves. Let me tell you, it couldn’t have been easy with no screwdrivers or spoke wrenches and bulky gloves on. Nice team work.
Someone, who will remain unnamed, accidentally sold a prototype fork the last day of the show. So if you bought a Race fork from the booth we would love it back. We will send you a new fork, and something else of your choice for free. If you won’t send it back, at least let us know how its doing. Kinda like Airwolf I guess.