Well its time. Time to finally show you what we have been up to with all the plugs, outlets, and lightboards all over the world. Next week, February 13th to be exact, we will have the World Premiere of ELECTRONICAL in Los Angeles(Echo Park). We will have all the stars on hand and a smattering of local BMX types. Its open to all the BMX public. The invites you see here and on other sites are just to filter out the riff raff who may wander in off the street. If you like BMX and like videos, you are welcome to attend. All the invite says is you know what you are here to see.

In addition to the ELECTRONICAL feature we will also be the launch party for Jeffzphoto.com. Jeff Z will also have an art show installed where the proceeds go to some of our more recently injured riders.

As if that wasn’t enough, we will have the world premiere of the Midnight Movies new music video starring Chad Johnston by director Bradley Scott. You may remember the story in Ride BMX a few months back.

For those not close enough to attend we will have premieres in Austin, Buffalo, New Jersey, Michigan, Salt Lake City, UK, Russia, Australia, and more. See you there!