I just returned from the Red Bull Elevation comp in Mexico. I was invited to Judge, as was Matt Beringer (above). However, Matt ran into some bad luck and crashed on his face, and had to go to the hospital. This prevented him from judging on Saturday, and Nasty filled in.

But since Matt is Matt, we all saw him strolling back to the tower with a huge sombrero and fake mustache on (above), which was super funny. He was pretty beat up, but still in good spirits. That dude rules.

Gary Young was also on hand and qualified into the finals, but couldn’t ride since he tweaked his knee. That was a shame too, as he was riding really well (and I’m not just saying that because he is one of ours). He was doing rad transfer lines on the tail end of the jumps and did the best 360 flatty transfer from right to left that I’ve ever seen. Hope all is well with the knee.

I saw bunch of local dudes with pretty sweet rides and a bunch of Odyssey stuff, so thanks for all the support out there. I’m sure the comp will help inspire a bunch of kids to ride. Not many contests as big as Elevation go down there often, so all the kids were super psyched and getting autographs from all the riders which was good to see.

Check out Ride BMX for some photos and results.