Banana Seat Challenge Update

Banana Seat Challenge
Tanner Nelson – Photo by Day (

In response to the last Banana Seat Challenge post, Tanner Nelson sent us pics of some gnarly grizzlies (Item #3 on the challenge list). Unfortunately, it was missing the key ingredient for the challenge – a banana seat. Remember, to win, all items on the list MUST be done on a bike with a banana seat installed. Below is the updated list:

1.) 07.18.08 – Surfed Tailwhip. The tailwhip MUST be surfed.
2.) 07.25.08 – Nac Nac with your tongue sticking out.
3.) 08.08.08 – Griz Air.
4.) 08.18.08 – Lawnmower (foot on the seat, instead of the tire).

Check out the original contest post for official rules, details and prizes. Also, keep those entries for the DIY Shirt Design contest coming. The deadline for that one is creeping up (09.01.08).

Hit up the jump for a second angle of Tanner’s grizz.