Tom Perry Bike Check
Tom Perry sent us a bike check recently and you can check that out in the flipbook above. To go along with it, he also answered a random assortment of questions for us. Read on to read more.
If Godzilla was to attack San Diego, what front brake related trick would you want to do on his face in order to save the city? Either an ET nosepick dremel to the groin or a top side cancan nosepick karate kick to the dome.
Do you and Dirt Ron have front brake battles? We actually unite our powers like wonder twins, but it’s more of a holy experience, like that scene in karate kid (pick any one of them).
You put together a video for us a while ago, how’s the editing board been treating you? It was super fun to play around with Final Cut. That was my first stab at it on my own, with some scrap clips i had from the past few months of riding… I’m looking forward to working with it again, but that requires more clips to be filmed and logged… in progress!
What parts do you go through the most? Grips and pedals for sure, though I’ve eased up on the pedal grinders and these Olastic grips seem to be staying in shape.
Is there anything you’re particular about on your bike as far as setup? Basically everything, but I really like to experiment with different setups (2 pegs, 1 peg, 1 brake front, 1 brake back, stem lengths, seat heights, etc). My bike is basically a transformer with an identity crisis, but in the end, I always seem to come back to a brakeless ballerina bike.
I’ve been told your alias is Ohio, which leads me to believe you’re from there. When did you move to sunny SD? Do your friends back home call you Diego? I’ve lived in San Diego for a few months shy of 2 years now and it’s been an adventure. I am originally from Cincinnati OH where a number of people call me a number of things, but I don’t think I’m spanish looking enough to have heard Diego.
Tell us a little more about Awkward Words. A few years ago I started a blog that was essentially an outlet for me to doodle and share my weirdness with whoever might be curious or bored, so of course I put it on the Internet. Speaking of which, it could use some more attention these days, too busy riding!
What’s going on here: tumblr_kv6d1gEQH91qaaocio1_500.jpg This is actually pretty out of character for me, since i usually draw more basic, cute stuff, but this is one of Ron’s monsters that I drew my own version of because I thought it was so insane and I was extremely hung over after a night at his place and in need of a distraction for my bruised brain. As for what is actually going on, it’s a magician monster stranded on an island puking all over his own eyeball while solving a rubics cube and conjuring a rain storm
If the Red Power Ranger walked up to you and asked, “Yo Tom, how you do them manual lines so well?” How would you respond? I would probably slap him in the face and ask him where the green ranger was. The green ranger was Tommy, definitely the most badass. He had his own power zord, which was a dinosaur. Plus he was the mysterious loner, so bonus wolf points… or i would just give him some spare change: 1h9jxd.jpg
Are there any projects that we should keep an eye out for? San Diego BMX is reuniting in a furious blaze of glory so watch out for revival of America’s finest city in the bmx scene… other than that I’ve been getting more into shooting photos lately, so hit up if you’re ever bored online. That and are my two blogs at the moment, so I’ll have to get that stuff some more updates soon. Peace, love and 69.