Aaron’s Watermelon

Sunday posted some pics of Aaron’s Watermelon bike the other day and if you’re interested in what parts he’s running, here’s the list. Also, in case you guys are wondering, matching Watermelon Spacebars and Director Forks are scheduled to come sometime in May!

FRAME: Sunday, Funday
FORKS: Director
BARS: Aaron Ross Spacebars
STEM: Elementary
GRIPS: Aaron Ross Grips
CRANKS: Twombolt
SPROCKET: Vermont, 30t
RIMS: G-Sport Rollcages
HUB (F): Vandero
HUB (R): G-Sport Ratchet w/Hub Guard
TIRE (F): Aitken, P-Lyte, 2.125″
TIRE (R): Path, P-Lyte, 2.1″
POST: Intac
SEAT: Aaron Ross Veteran
LEVER: Monolever, Small
CABLE: Linear Slic Kable
BRAKE: Evo 2