Thanks again for everyone that came out and supported the Full Factory Distro – March Madness event! Special thank you to our sponsors Jarritos, Vitamin Water, Taco Nazo and FHQ. Without these guys, this event wouldn’t have been the same, so thank you for all your help!
Speaking of help, FHQ not only donated the commemorative posters that were autographed by our riders, they also filmed the video above for us as well! If you guys are in the area (Artesia, CA) this weekend, come by FHQ Saturday to check out the video premier of FREETER NATION from 6pm – 11pm. Call or visit their website for additional information… see you guys there!
18300 Gridley Road.
Suite B
Artesia, CA 90701
TEL: (562) 865-8347
Read more for full map and video trailer.