Tom Dugan – Empire’s Bad Idea

Dugan’s full of brilliant ideas disguised as bad ones. That’s what makes him so awesome. Here’s his section from Empire‘s latest blockbuster hit. Click play, watch, re-watch and then watch it again just to be safe. Then after that, make sure to enter Collateral’s “Bare Walls” art contest.
After watching this are you ready to get your creative juices flowing? The Collateral Headquarters is in desperate need of artwork to cover our bland, grey cement walls and we need your help. We encourage you to submit artwork created in any format, get Tommy on the brain and let your imagination run loose. With generous help from Odyssey and Empire we have compiled 3 kick ass prize packages and Mr. Dugan himself will be selecting the winners. Check after.the.jump. for full contest details.
Artwork must be received by Friday July 12, 2013. (US RESIDENTS ONLY)
Mailing address:
c/o Bare Walls
6310 N. Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78752