Introducing Chase Krolicki
Chase Krolicki is the newest member of the Odyssey squad. One of Michigan’s finest, Chase first popped up on most people’s radar after his standout part in The Michigan Video in 2014. At the beginning of this year Chase spent a few weeks out in SoCal and hung out with some of the Odyssey team. He made a good impression on our guys and the video he filmed while he was out there made a good impression on just about everybody who saw it, so getting him involved with Odyssey made a lot of sense.
When I asked Travis Hughes what he thought about Chase, he said “He is literally my favorite person.” Can’t ask for a much more glowing recommendation than that, and the rest of us at Odyssey are excited to find out exactly why everybody’s so hyped. Everybody follow @chasekrolicki and expect more from this guy soon!