Upstate New Yorkers! Go to Buffalo this weekend to see ELECTRONICAL.
Jim Cielencki has set it up for you, I’m sure it will be fun.
Click below for more info..
News Author Archive
Mar 14, 2008 • News ELECTRONICAL Buffalo Premiere
Mar 14, 2008 • News Aaron Ross Bike Check X2
Mar 13, 2008 • News Work. Here.
Full Time Internet Marketing/Web designer position opening at Odyssey BMX
Odyssey BMX is looking for a new employee to handle all web based responsibilities including, but not limited to, designing, building, updating a new Odyssey website and maintaining the online store. All skills related to website design, maintenance, content supply, organizational skills and basic web savvy are required. Knowledge of online marketing strategies is required.
Graphic design and photography prowess are suggested but not required.
BMX knowledge is strongly suggested, but not required.
Be prepared with portfolio, resume, and examples of all recent work.
Odyssey is a small family of employees who all wear many hats, so be prepared and willing to take on all responsibilities not exactly related to the website and web based duties.
This is a full time, salaried in-house position at the Cerritos, California office. Full medical and dental insurance provided.
Please direct all inquiries and applications to Jim Bauer, Art Director at Odyssey BMX.
Mar 11, 2008 • News NIGHTWOLF SADDLES
If you are a slick internet observer, you may have seen some pics of the Mike Aitken “Nightwolf” saddle going around.
Needless to say, those pics sparked a bunch of “when is it coming out” questions.
Even though the Nightwolf saddles (which feature the Mike Aitken wolf image) wont be available for a few months, you can still click below for a sneak peak if you have not seen them yet.
These things look awesome….
Mar 7, 2008 • News Available…Now.
I guess we never explained some of our newer items when they came in. First up: Senior 2. We basically did a mild re-design to make the Senior 2 slightly larger(black)that the Senior(white) to better bridge the gap between the Junior and the Aitken. Previously the Senior shared the JR mold. Now it has its own.
The material and size made it kinda messy attaching the top to the base of the seat(white seat). The Senior 2 addresses the union of top and bottom much cleaner(black seat).
Out now in Pref Vinyl(Black, Brown, White) OR Kevlar(Black).
Speaking of Kevlar, Our First Foldable tires are in shops now. The K-lyte Frequency G. Using the same Lightweight P-Lyte casing, but now with a Kevlar bead. Other Tires in K-lyte coming soon.
The Slim by Four is our newest brake pad. The best structural integrity of a brake pad this small and simple. Multiple compounds will be available, including Black, Red, and Clear. Black is available now, and they are stock on the newest shipments of the Evolver EVO II. Fully symmetrical BMX-specific shape designed for braking in forward and reverse.
Lumberjacks in White are in shops now also!
Have a good weekend. Maybe next week we will give you some sneak peaks of things to come…
Mar 5, 2008 • News Built-in Race, Race.
The newest version of the Race Fork has a built-in race that is dedicated to integrated headsets, and it will also work with any “normal” headset that has a 45 degree lower raceway. No more hammering a headset race on the fork – it’s built in.
Available now on the Race Fork Classic (CS2). Coming soon on Director Forks, Freestyle Forks, and the Flat Fork Classic. Dirt Forks will continue to use a “traditional” steerer tube that is compatible with all of the popular headset types.
Feb 28, 2008 • News ELECTRONICAL Austin Premiere
This Saturday I will be in Austin with a premier copy of the video.
Taj, Chase, Aaron and Chad Shack will also be on hand.
All ages can come out to the T-1 ramp for some riding and videoing.
Doors open at 5, Tia Carrera plays before Showtime at 8pm. After Party (21 and over) at Shakespeares.
Feb 26, 2008 • News More Electronical News
Check out for another interview with Will..
Feb 20, 2008 • News ELECTRONICAL Hawaiian Premiere
Feb 20, 2008 • News FROSTBIKE
This past weekend was QBP’s annual Frostbike tradeshow event. QBP is one of our US distros, and that’s Tim Gallant, Myself and Todd Johnson up there. Tim and Todd handle BMX related duties at QBP. A bunch of brands and reps were on hand, which made for a good time.
If you do some slick searching of the internets, you might be able to find some of the newer products I had out there.
Thanks to all the dealers and riders who came through.
Oh, I strongly recommend the Peanut Butter and jelly “mojo” Clif bars.