Tom Dugan / Human Cannon BallAaawww yeah. New Dugan courtesy of FIT BIKE CO.
  Murray Loubser / At EaseMurray Loubser hails from South Africa but made the trek out to California for 6 weeks with the squad. Murray seemingly has it all; absurd technical skill, a good eye for spots, clean style, and the urge to SEND IT on the big setups. Not to mention the dude is one of the most polite and mild-mannered individuals I've ever met. After clocking a handful of gnarly "stunts" in the first week or two of his stay, it became clear that Murray would likely be holding down the last section of the video. Sit back, relax, and enjoy Murray's closing section from "At Ease".
  BROC v2 Stem / Available Now in Anodized GoldGo for the GOLD! BROC v2 stem in gold that is. Available now.
  Loubser and Boyd in Last Call to LockdownOur dudes Murray Loubser and Boyd Hilder join a heavy crew of shredders down in South Africa. Hit play to check out some amazing riding at some of the best spots ever. Video by
  Jacob Cable / At EaseJacob Cable is technically savvy, smooth, calm, and collected. Throughout the course of filming this section we began to refer to Jacob's clips as "endurance riding", because that's essentially what it is.. Balancing for so long or combining tricks into a combo so hard that it turns into a marathon. Jacob put in some serious work for his section in "At Ease" and the result is quite astonishing.
  [RE-UP] Travis Hughes “It’s Chill” VideoFor your viewing pleasure, here’s a RE-UP of Travis Hughes’ anything-but-chill video from last year. “It’s Chill”. Enjoy!
  Preston Okert / At EasePreston Okert comes through with a fast and flowy section full of pool missions, transition shralping, and street spot ripping around California and Arizona.
  Chase Krolicki / At EaseChase Krolicki is our Midwestern connection hailing from the state of Michigan. Chase flew out to CA for just a week and went straight to work stacking up enough footage for this solid section in At Ease. Chase's riding style is pretty straight forward.. difficult moves that get stomped clean. Guest appearance clips from our Brazilian connect Caique Gomes.
  Jerome Odesa / At EaseJerome Odesa brings a buttery-smooth style and laid back vibe to his section in AT EASE. Largely filmed around his local neighborhood in Los Angeles, Jerome has a quick barspin and a way of making everything look graceful.
  Jarren Barboza / At EasePoppy, clean, and executed with finesse. Jarren Barboza whips up some stellar footage for his section in AT EASE.
  Boyd Hilder / LuxBMX’s AeternaHave you seen Boyd's LuxBMX "Aeterna" part yet? Boyd goes in for his local shop." Video by Mike Vockenson.
  Hilario Olivos / At EaseHilario Olivos‘ smooth, stylish, and setup friendly opening section from “At Ease“. Video by Zach Krejmas.