Taj Mihelich: Life After ProTaj Mihelich is one of the best to ever do it. Please enjoy this rad piece courtesy of Ride BMX and Chris Rye.
  The Taj Mihelich InterviewIf you have some time, make sure to click on over to The Albion for an incredible interview they did with Taj. In other Taj news, check out some crazy R&D techniques he’s been utilizing over at Fairdale Bikes
  Taj Mihelich – WallpaperHit up the Albion for a wallpaper of Taj Mihelich firing out one of the first wallride to downside whips ever (shot during the filming of Etnies’ Forward).
  Taj Mihelich – Bike ControlI can feel flashes of being completely connected with my bike and totally confident in what we could do together. […] At the high points like this cover I just knew the bike and nothing was gonna’ shake me. This is pretty much the exact opposite of how I feel whenever I ride my bike. […]
  ODSY VISION: Texas Toast Jam and a Quick Trip w/GeorgeFor this episode of ODSY Vision, we bring to you our favorite clips from the Texas Toast Jam and a quick trip with George Boyd. He lives a few hours north of Austin so we met up with him a couple days prior and filmed a handful of clips along the drive. Thanks to everyone […]
  Texas Toast Jam – Full Factory GalleryFull Factory Distribution has their batch of photos up!
  Texas Toast Jam – Recap GalleryHere’s a quick recap gallery of our Texas Toast Jam. Expect videos to start surfacing later this week!
  Texas Toast Jam Video Preview!ESPN dropped by our OTX Office to talk with Taj regarding our Texas Toast Jam (May 27-29). Watch the video to check out sneak peeks of some of the obstacles we’ve been cooking up for the Gauntlet of Death. We’re having a ramp painting party this weekend and if you live in the Austin area […]
  Texas Toast JamYou’re definitely going to want to come to this event. Click HERE for full details.
  Taj Mihelich UpdateTaj Mihelich has an interview up on ESPN. He talks about what he’s been up to lately and discusses a little bit about the direction and progression of Fairdale. For those who don’t know, it began as ‘zine and quickly evolved into a new venture. Read the interview HERE and then add Taj on Facebook […]
  Taj Mihelich UpdateTaj Mihelich has been keeping himself pretty busy lately. Aside from keeping his Fairdale Zine updated with plenty of drawings and awesomeness, he’s also been working hard on getting some bikes made! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and years and I think even my hardcore BMX-only friends will be able to relate […]
  The Storied Path of TajNac Nac Wall Plant! Photo by Sandy Carson. Taj Mihelich has an interview and retrospective photo gallery up on ESPN. It’s been a long journey and we’re psyched to have him be party of the Odyssey family both as a rider and a co-worker. Click the photo to read the full interview!