Two new Jim Cielencki pedals will be available later this year.

First will be the Trailmix. This is essentially a lighter version of the original pedal that tends to lean more toward trail riding with its longer pins, slimmer bridge sections, and lack of knurling. Aluminum and magnesium bodies will be available. You’ll also be able to choose from sealed or loose ball configurations.

Next will be the JC/PC, or “pledals”. As you’ve already guessed, this is a plastic body design. Jim has been testing the first prototypes for a long time now and is very excited about them. There are some unique features on this pedal that we’ll let you know more about as the project develops.

The Trailmix won’t be out until at least mid-Spring and the JC/PC pedal won’t be ready for sale until Summer at the earliest.

I’ll post pictures as we get further along in the production cycles.