CRAZY WEDNESDAY…and quick responses

We got a ton of used Herman Miller office furniture from an architecture firm that closed down this morning, and we’ve been in meetings the rest of the day.

More product updates on Thursday.

Some quick answers/responses to things so far:

1. Ben’s cranks in the Director Fork thread are powdercoated white.
2. Director Forks with different offsets (mild/zero) may be available at some point in 2008.
3. Director Forks will only be 3/8″.
4. We are all fully aware that other examples of raked, straight-to-axle fork legs exist (Mongoose, Tange, Colnago, Wright Brothers, etc.). We have never claimed this as an “original” feature. Please read the information we’ve posted if you can’t grasp the differences by looking at a photo.
5. Director Fork pricing will be a bit higher than the Classic Forks.
6. I will try to get some Flatland Fork info up by Friday.
7. JC/PC pedals are still in the pre-production stages but should be moving along relatively quickly.