
I guess we never explained some of our newer items when they came in. First up: Senior 2. We basically did a mild re-design to make the Senior 2 slightly larger(black)that the Senior(white) to better bridge the gap between the Junior and the Aitken. Previously the Senior shared the JR mold. Now it has its own.

The material and size made it kinda messy attaching the top to the base of the seat(white seat). The Senior 2 addresses the union of top and bottom much cleaner(black seat).

Out now in Pref Vinyl(Black, Brown, White) OR Kevlar(Black).

Speaking of Kevlar, Our First Foldable tires are in shops now. The K-lyte Frequency G. Using the same Lightweight P-Lyte casing, but now with a Kevlar bead. Other Tires in K-lyte coming soon.

The Slim by Four is our newest brake pad. The best structural integrity of a brake pad this small and simple. Multiple compounds will be available, including Black, Red, and Clear. Black is available now, and they are stock on the newest shipments of the Evolver EVO II. Fully symmetrical BMX-specific shape designed for braking in forward and reverse.

Lumberjacks in White are in shops now also!

Have a good weekend. Maybe next week we will give you some sneak peaks of things to come…