Odyssey VS. Miami

Miami. What a crazy place. The entire Odyssey team spent a week in this outrageous palm tree and concrete jungle, and every day was a struggle. Tom Dugan, who’s back was already tweaked prior to the trip, had his bike stolen the first day. Jacob Cable fell deathly ill and was bedridden for most of the trip. Our Airbnb host tried to steal our bike rack, and our jet ski tour guide lost his shit when we were, according to him, being too reckless on the jet skis (he worries too much and also needs to chill). And we got kicked out of a lot of spots. And not just kicked out, but brutally screamed at and degraded, or even physically attacked. But the Odyssey team will not be stopped. These guys rode as hard as they could every day, banded together against those trying to prevent us from doing our thing, and filmed a damn fine video, even in the face of so much adversity. Enjoy!

Featuring Aaron Ross, Brandon Webster, Broc Raiford, Gary Young, Justin Spriet, Jacob Cable, Matt Nordstrom, and Travis Hughes.

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Walter was in the lead ski boat with the guide so that he could film the group. So he and the irate guide watched as half of the boats idled with little idea of what the fuck was going on, while one boat, captained by the very 17 year old Travis Hughes was going nuts. He was hauling ass at the rest of us, zig zagging in and out, and generally disrupting shit. And he was having a blast. We realized the tour was basically a lost cause and were mentally trying to pick up the pieces and figure out just what these guides had intended. At a certain point I looked over at the ski boat and saw the guide with his hands in a choke-hold around Walter’s camera.