SHUFFLE through some sessions over the past year with the Odyssey crew. This collection of footage was captured during filming missions in California, Washington, Nevada, Texas, and South Africa.

In Order of Appearance: Preston Okert, Aryei Levenson, Murray Loubser, Corey Walsh, Gary Young, Santi Laverde, Boyd Hilder, Mikey Andrew, Devin Burks, Hilario Olivos, Johnny Raekes, Justin Spriet, John Nelson, Jacob Cable, Takato Ueda, Dennis Enarson, Matt Nordstrom, Perris Benegas, and Bethany Hedrick.

Video by Zach Krejmas.
Title Art / Animation by Dave Fortman.
Additional Filming by Phoenix Jurgens, Blake Peters, Scott Marceau, Rich Forne.