Hey guys, I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder about the two contests we have going on. There’s the monthly contest and the Banana Seat Challenge.
THE AUGUST CONTEST (Deadline: 09.01.08 – You actually get an extra week for this one)
PRIZE: Blue Blood Trailmix Pedals with matching Marble Blue Adam Banton and Team Grip
The first contest of the series falls in the realm of DIY t-shirts. The rules are as follows:
1.) Must have the Odyssey logo.
2.) All pieces of the design must print on 8.5″ x 11″ t-shirt transfers.
3.) Feel free to include your signature, initials and/or gang sign.
The top entries will be available for download on our website and the goal is to make them printable on t-shirt transfers for everyone to enjoy. Click here for an example: [ DIY SHIRT ]
Email all entries to
THE BANANA SEAT CHALLENGE: (Deadline: To be announced…)
PRIZE: Twombolt Cranks, choice of seat and grips plus a bunch of Odyssey T-Shirts
To win, you must provide video or photographic (sequence may be required for some) evidence of ALL of the items listed below ON A BIKE WITH A BANANA SEAT INSTALLED. Keep your evidence in a safe place and wait until we announce the deadline to submit them.
1.) 07.18.08 – Surfed Tailwhip. The tailwhip MUST be surfed.
2.) 07.25.08 – Nac Nac with your tongue sticking out.
3.) 08.08.08 – Griz Air.
4.) 08.18.08 – Lawnmower (foot on the seat, instead of the tire).
5.) 08.25.08 – Seat Stand Manual (at least 3 parking spaces long)
Group entries are acceptable as long as it’s no larger than 5.
The winner will be picked based on creativity and over-all raditute.
We’ll keep you updated on the Daily Word with the weekly challenges.
If you need some inspiration, check out this photo from an article Todd Banks wrote at