Chase Hawk – WallpaperThere’s a new batch of Weekend Wallpapers up at and Chase Hawk is snapping a table in one of them! You might remember that pool from our Palm Springs Team Retreat last year. Click the photo to download.
  Chase Hawk – Print Ad / WallpaperHere’s Chase gracing our latest print ad with a steezy rail hop. His signature grips, C-512 sprocket, Hawk tires and Tomahawk stem are all available now. Photo by Jeff Zielinski.
  Chase Hawk – WallpaperHit up Ride BMX to download a new wallpaper of Chase Hawk.
  Throwback Thursday – Chase HawkHit up Ride BMX for their first installment of Throwback Thursday. It’s a new series where they compile pivotal video parts of riders from the last decade. First up is our trail / street / park shredder extraordinaire, Chase Hawk!
  Chase Hawk – Injury UpdateAgainst doctor’s orders, Chase Hawk started pumping around on his bike yesterday for the first time since he broke his foot at Texas Toast.  He’s not back to actually riding just yet, but he’s getting close.  In lieu of this momentous occasion, I asked Chase a few questions about his injury and his time off […]
  Chase Hawk on EtniesChase has been added to the Etnies team for 2013. Congrats dude! Good things to come I’m sure. From Etnies Press Release: Jan. 2, 2013 (Lake Forest, CA) – etnies is ringing in the new year by signing Chase Hawk, one of BMX’s most progressive riders, to its team. With his speed, smooth style and […]
  Chase Hawk – Bike CheckCheck out Chase’s Cult Bad Boy setup from ESPN!
  Fun Fun Fun FestSandy Carson shot a bunch of pics for ESPN from this weekend’s Fun Fun Fun Fest. Make sure to click through it for more pics of Aaron Ross, Tom Dugan, Sean Sexton, Chase Hawk. Above is Jim Cielencki getting upside down on his cruiser!
  TGIF: Chase Hawk @ Texas Toast JamOne of the highlights of last year’s Texas Toast Jam was getting to watch Chase Hawk dip these ridiculously high 360s through the dirt course. Mark your calendars and get ready. This year’s jam is less than a month away!
  Texas Toast Jam – Chase Hawk Print AdCheck out Chase Hawk doing what he does best in our current Texas Toast Jam print ad running in Ride BMX. This is an event you’re not going to want to miss. Mark your calendars, gather up some friends and get ready to head out to Austin this fall!
  Chase Hawk – Fox Denim VideoIn this new video from Fox, you can watch Chase Hawk roast the Empire and T1 bowls like no other. He’s got style for days and with how well he can flow a ramp, it’s easy to forget he can rock the trick sticks, too.
  QBP/Odyssey Chase Hawk PosterQBP has a special deal going on right now for dealers. They can pick up a QBP / Odyssey Chase Hawk promo poster for FREE with their orders. They’re printed on 18×24″ heavy stock and each dealer can get up to 5 of them. Supplies are limited though so now’s the time to hop on […]