[RE-UP] Linear Slic Kable Test VideoClick HERE to learn more about the history of our cables and the test above. To see an infographic which illustrates and compares all varieties, click here.
  Gary Young – Bike CheckGary has a new bike built up! He’s using parts from our Midnight Blue kit and a special burnt orange frame from Sunday. Click around the flipbook above for more photos and below for the parts list!
  TGIF: Aaron Ross x Tom DuganRight after we finished filming this skit, we instantly knew it had to be a TGIF. Here’s Aaron skidding through Dugan’s room during a heavy vacuuming / jump rope session. If you haven’t seen the video this clip is from, WATCH IT NOW!
  Aaron and our Linear Quik-Slic KableIf you run brakes, there shouldn’t be any debate to what cable you should run. We make the original linear cable and to this day, it’s still the best. Our special K-Shield housing tests out to be 55% stronger than all of our competitors. It’s found on ALL of our linear cables; the Original, Race […]
  Gary Young – Video Bike CheckIn this bike check, Gary Young walks us through just about every part on his bike and gives us an in-depth look into his setup. Video by IMG Distribution.
  Gary Young – Bike CheckSunday Bikes has a new bike check up with Gary Young. It’s red and black, and loaded with all the good stuff.
  RE-UP: Linear Slic Kables. Tested. Proven.Just a friendly reminder that there’s really only one choice out there when it comes to brake cables. Our Linear Slic Kables were the original and are still the best. These cables we tested are the BMX competition, not some Wal-mart crap. All cables are NOT created equal. RACE version is also the lightest cable, […]
  Terry Adams – Bike CheckHere’s Terry Adams’ old bike! Kinda weird to do a bike check on an old bike, but we have been sitting on these photos for a while. This is the Bike Terry rode in Terry and Aaron, The Sequel.  This was the prototype stuff that we didn’t want to show until it was out, complete […]
  Available Now – Quik Slic Linear KablesOur new Quik Slic Linear Kables are available now. Please read on for all the info you will need. The Quik Slic is a patent pending, all-in-one, cable design. This means that the cable, cable hanger and straddle cable are all manufactured as one unit. In addition to providing an incredibly easy assembly, the braking […]
  Available Now – Matte Kelly Green KitOur latest color kit is Matte Kelly Green and it’s AVAILABLE NOW! Contact your local shops and mail-orders to load up on ’em.
  SHIPMENT: Safety OrangeYou’ve probably seen at least one or two videos by now of Aaron Ross riding an all Orange bike. Well, if you’re interested in adding a splash of orange onto your trusty whip, you’re in luck. These guys are available now in every single part that Aaron runs! G-Sport also has the matching Safety Orange […]
  Jim Cielencki bike check & updateJim C has a pretty sweet bike check and photo gallery up over at ESPN. In it, he talks about his 24″ Model C and what it’s like riding it and switch back and forth between the 20″. I know you ride your Sunday cruiser more than a regular 20″ bike nowadays. Is there a […]