Here’s Matthias Dandois once again blurring the line between flatland and street riding. This time, he even steps up his street game a notch with a couple grinders.
Was that a 720 cab he was trying at the end?!
Here’s Matthias Dandois once again blurring the line between flatland and street riding. This time, he even steps up his street game a notch with a couple grinders.
Was that a 720 cab he was trying at the end?!
Congrats to Matthias Dandois for winning this year’s KOG comp and solidifying a first place spot in the flatland world circuit. Watch the video above for his winning run!
Matthias Dandois and Alex Jumelin recently spent 5 days out here in the US and they definitely made the most of it. This video chronicles their adventures from Nora Cup in Vegas to shooting guns at the range. Also, did you guys know Godzilla has a star in the Hollywood walk of fame?
Our boys are killing it in the top 5 nominations for the2011 Ride BMX NORA Cup. Best of luck to Chase Hawk, Mike Aitken, Matthias Dandois and Gary Young!
All photos from
Congratulations to Matthias Dandois for taking home first place in last weekend’s BMX Masters. You can watch his final run above and check out some pics he sent us as well.
Here’s Matthias Dandois spinning some moves for G-Shock.
Check out this fun video of Matthias Dandois and Terry Adams playing a game of bike in Terry’s backyard. If you’re a fan of either of them, this is definitely a must watch. Good times!
Also, in other Terry news, download his new wallpaper!
Video and wallpaper by
While we’ve been busy with the Texas Toast Jam, Terry Adams and Matthias Dandois had been busy over at the Red Bull Battle at the Bricks flatland contest in Indiana. Terry qualified first but Matthias ended up taking home the win. Congrats guys!!! For more coverage of the event, hit up
First, watch the video at the top of Matthias Dandois winning this year’s Ninjas Spin contest. Then, when you’re done, hit up to download his new wallpaper.
Here’s the latest episode of FlatWebTV featuring an interview with Terry Adams and recaps of JoMoPro and Ninja Spin. Terry’s interview starts at the 14:30 mark. As an added bonus, there’s even some good coverage of Matthias Dandois as well!
If you’re on Facebook, make sure to hit up Terry’s Fan Page and if you’re on Twitter, follow him @TerryAdamsBMX.