Never affected by the trendiest setups in BMX, Adam’s bike are always the epitome of freestyle. From FUNt brakes to a fistful of post, here’s his latest bike check from Eastern Bikes.
Never affected by the trendiest setups in BMX, Adam’s bike are always the epitome of freestyle. From FUNt brakes to a fistful of post, here’s his latest bike check from Eastern Bikes.
Dave King is a trail connoisseur and we’re psyched to be flowing him some parts. Hit up QBMX for the full bike check!
Ride BMX caught up with Adam Banton during our Palm Springs trip and got the full scoop on Adam’s current bike. Click on the photo to see more close-ups, a Q&A and a solid view of the shirt he’s wearing.
Mikey’s got a new whip!
Tom Perry’s bike is all chrome these days and he hooked us up with some pics to check out the shine.
FRAME: Fit Wifi, 20.5″
FORKS: Fit Shiv II
STEM: Fit Aitken
BARS: Fit Sky High
GRIPS: Fit Tech
BAR ENDS: Odyssey Par Ends
HEADSET: Odyssey Sealed
CRANKS: Odyssey Twombolts, 170mm
PEDALS: Odyssey JCPC (best pedal known to man)
SPROCKET: Odyssey MDS, 27t
CHAIN: Odyssey Bluebird
SEAT: Odyssey Senior 2, Herringbone
SEATPOST: Odyssey Convertible
TIRE (F): Odyssey Aitken, 2.25″
RIM (F): G-Sport Rollcage
HUB (F): G-Sport Marmoset
TIRE (R): Odyssey Path, 2.1″
RIM (R): G-Sport Rollcage
HUB (R): G-Sport Ratchet
We have a full edit of our San Diego dudes coming up later this week but in the mean time, here’s a bike check we shot with Kyle Hart during our trip. Thanks to the MarchFourth Marching Band for letting us shoot on their bus!
I watched Anthem 2 last night and was blown away with Aitken’s part (and the whole video for that matter). It’s unreal how much style and power than man has. Literally not a minute or two after, a text from him comes in completing the parts list for the bike check you see above.
Anyway, he’s been making some progress in his road to recovery and though he’s not back to 100% yet, he was firing out some style over the dubs in Beringer’s yard when we hung out with him last month! He even clocked some clips for an edit we have in the works.
He likes his bikes long and low with a little harder gearing (28/9) right off the bat. Here’s his most current bike, which happens to match our latest semi-matte teal color kit.
Follow him on Twitter.com/nightwolfSLC.
Eric loves his greens and his bike is no exception. There’s a handful of new items on this ride, including the Chase Hawk signature sprocket and Aaron Ross’ signature tire. Click around the flipbook above for more pics and a parts list.
If you’re on Twitter, hit him up at twitter.com/ericlichtenberg. And while you’re at it, download his wallpaper / print ad as well!