News Terry Adams

Matthias in Louisiana

Here’s a fun video that Matthias Dandois put together of his recent trip to Louisiana. It has everything from a game of bike with Terry Adams to some rad sessions at local spots and even some footage from the JomoPro that he and Terry competed in! It’s pretty cool seeing all these behind the scenes footage that he filmed so make sure to hit play! Afterwards, say hi to him on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to Terry and his blogging addiction for the heads up on this video! Hit him up on Facebook and Twitter.

Contest preparation with Terry

Terry Adams has an interview up on Flat Matters where he, Pete Brandt and Marti Kuoppa talk about what they do to prepare for contests.

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Painting with Terry Raffle

We are raffling off Terry’s bike and donating the proceeds to Japan. To see the full prize package for this raffle and how you can enter to win, visit:

Painting with Terry:

Photos from the filming of April’s ODSY Vision: Painting with Terry.

ODSY Vision
Bauer, setting up the camera
Overhead Camera
Terry, mid trick and checking the shot
Paint party
Terry Adams: Killer Flatlander
Bobby Carter was on the set
Terry Adams and Jim Bauer
Flatland ain't easy... especially with wet paint on your tires, shoes, pegs, pedals and the ground.
The End

Here’s a photo gallery from: ODSY VisionPainting with Terry.

Matthias and Terry Update!

Matthias Dandois is currently visiting Terry Adams over in Hammond, Louisiana and it looks like they’re both having a blast. They posted a couple YouTube videos of them riding Terry’s indoor facility, The V Spot and you can check those out below. Fat Tony is also chilling with them at the moment so you can expect plenty more videos of the Flatware duo popping up on!

Make sure to follow ’em on Twitter to keep up!
@terryadamsbmx @matthiasdandois @fattonybmx

Matthias Dandois

Terry Adams

Painting with Terry

For this month’s ODSY Vision, we grabbed a handful of paint buckets and recruited Flatware‘s Terry Adams to put together a little piece of art for us. Don’t let his finesse fool you though, the technique used makes this quite possibly one of the most difficult paintings ever done. Watch and enjoy!

Bookmark Terry’s website, fan him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.

The Definition of Pro

Click HERE to check out John Povah’s segment in ESPN’s “Definition of a Pro” series.

We normally post things that have to do with our riders on Dailyword. Even though this article does mention Terry, I wanted to post it strictly because its a good read and Povah is spot on, as per usual.

– Jim B

Flatware, The Waltz

Flatware’s first frame designed by Terry Adams is available NOW! You can get it in Ocean Blue (shown) and the Metallic Silver we showed during interbike.

For full specs and details, hit up The Waltz’ product page.

Flatland Unlimited Contest

Here’s a video edit of a flatland contest that Terry entered last week. Click play to watch Terry and friends fire out some moves.

Stay connected with Terry via Facebook, Twitter and his website.

Terry Adams, Winning!!!

Congrats to Terry Adams for having the blood of a tiger and winning the CFO contest in Toronto this past weekend!

Also, in other Terry news, check out Fat Tony’s blog for a behind the photo look at one of the images in Dan’s Comps calendar.

Bookmark his website, fan him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.