Jimmy Levan footageGreyboy and Truly Odd: Wallpaper at RideBMX.com ( Widescreen | Standard )
  24″ Path and Aitken tires!24 inch tires means more surface area for skidding! If your 24″ Hazard Lite rims are getting lonely, our Path and Aitken tires are now available for your cruisers and 24″ freestyle machines. You can get Paths in 24×2.1″ and Aitkens in 24×2.25″ sizes. Download the wallpaper below then head over to your local shop […]
  Aaron Ross ad and a few wallpapersGary Young: Wallpaper at RideBMX.com ( Widescreen | Standard ) Matt Beringer: Wallpaper at RideBMX.com ( Widescreen | Standard ) Wallpaper madness! Here are three new ones for you to pick from. If you happen to be sitting in a computer lab (or have a printer handy), open up this PDF version of the Aaron […]
  Gary Mihelich Fiolaflip@GaryBYoung: Follow up interview at DigBMX.com about his recent double knee surgery. Taj Mihelich: Wallpaper at RideBMX.com ( Widescreen | Standard ) Eddie Fiola and Jim Bauer: First duo hackflip attempt, after the internet launching device.
  41 Thermal 10 Year Anniversary!You may have noticed the post-it note on our main page or maybe even caught the first cut of the animation on our Flickr account. What’s it all about? Well, it’s been 10 years since we introduced the revolutionary 41 Thermal process and it’s our little internet way of paying tribute to the tried and […]
  Prowling the internet V.41309Matt Beringer wallpaper at RideBMX.com (Wide | Standard) Chase Hawk at age 14 at DigBMX.com Jeff Z’s top ten Ride BMX covers. You can read the story behind each of these over at Ride. Hoang Tran and Gary Young split section from the Give D!VD The last one’s a little dated but I saw it […]
  Adam Banton Wallpaper & Electronical sectionHere’s Adam’s section in Electronical. Front and rear stoppies in full effect, along with plenty of sliders and front wheel action.
  How-To’s with Jim BauerBike maintenance with Jim Bauer Ride BMX has a couple video how-to’s with Mr. Jim Bauer. The first one is how-to install a bottom bracket and the other one is for our Odyssey Twombolts (embedded after the jump). If you’re looking for a printable version, click HERE. Oh and if you want to get a […]
  Gary Young AdHere’s our advert in the latest Ride BMX (page 6 & 7) and Ride UK (page 6 & 7) issues, featuring Mr. Gary Young. Photo by the Kosman.
  ClickablesMatt Beringer photo from the Odyssey Flickr Group (by Brown Town) Terry Adams wallpaper at RideBMX.com ( Standard / Wide ) ( Soccer team in SLU? ) Grey Boy‘s Warchurch Project is currently live and kicking. The stream’s after the link. Whose wheels are these?! Here are a few things that popped up on the internet that you guys should […]
  George French Interview / New WallpaperInterview up over at ESPN There’s an interview up of Mr. George French over at the ESPN site. In it, he talks about various products from the G-Sport line. G-Sport’s roots lie in the classic DIY workshop scenario: rider breaks old parts, uses combo of an engineering mind, burly old lathes, grease and logic to […]
  Bauer, Ross and JC!Jim Cielencki’s section from Ride BMX’s Parts (2001 release) Jim Bauer and Aaron Ross have wallpapers up at RideBMX.com JC just uploaded his section from Parts over at the Sunday site. If you head over there, you can get more info about this video and even download .mp4/.mov formats. Also, if you visit RideBMX.com, you […]