Odyssey BMX / Full Factory
13502 Pumice Street
Norwalk, CA 90650

41-Thermal Warranty

Warranty requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and registering 41-Thermal products guarantees your lifetime warranty. You can do that by either returning the card that came with your product or filling out the form to the right. Details about your lifetime warranty can be found below.

  • This guarantee is for the original purchaser only.
  • Odyssey guarantees 41-Thermal products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.
  • Odyssey will replace 41-Thermal product at no additional cost if it bends, cracks or breaks under normal riding conditions. Normal riding conditions are defined as “Using the bicycle in a controlled fashion that is within your own capabilities.” This warranty does not include damage to the product that is caused by external forces such as cars, tornadoes, sledgehammers, etc.
  • Odyssey reserves the right to refuse replacement or offer replacement at the reduced cost for products believed to be damaged outside the realm of the “normal riding conditions” described above. Odyssey also reserves the right to exchange a damaged product with an alternate model that is believed to be a more suitable replacement. The finish of this product is not covered by this warranty.
  • Modifying this product in a questionable manner (excluding cutting a fork steerer tube or handlebar grip area to size) will void the warranty. Modifications must be approved by Odyssey and performed by a professional bicycle mechanic.
  • For questions about this warranty call Odyssey at (562) 623-9995 from 9am to 5pm (pacific standard time), Monday through Friday.
  • NOTE: Products must be registered for warranty replacements.
  • USA: Return freight prepaid to: Odyssey BMX – 13502 Pumice Street, Norwalk, CA 90650. Please include your full name, shipping (street) address and phone number with the return. Allow 2-3 weeks for replacement delivery.
  • INTERNATIONAL: Contact your Odyssey retailer for replacement instructions

International Warranty Guidelines
Any Odyssey / G-Sport product that’s been purchased outside of your market and is needing warranty assistance, should be returned to the retail outlet that it was originally purchased from. Our international distributors are not responsible for servicing products they did not sell. However, in certain instances, you may be able to work with the distributor in your country. The customer is responsible for any policies the distributor may have in place.


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