News / Author Archive

  Random tidbitsGary Young came in today to work on his bike and informed me that he will be going on Props Megatour 3. He will be on the trip with UGP which means Jim Cielencki may also be going, but dont quote me on that. Speaking of Jim Cielencki, the latest limited edition color (Gold) pedal, […]
  28 T Compact sprocketThe 28T compact sprocket is here, and will be available soon. There will be two versions available, which are: 7075 aluminum which is 6mm thick. 4.4 ounces 6061 aluminum which is 8mm thick. 4.9 ounces 28t sprockets should be used with a 10t driver to maintain a normal gear ratio.
  Path TireThis is the Prototype tire that has been in the Bike Checks on a few of the riders bikes. It is a multi-purpose fast tire with heavy duty sidewalls. There should be two versions of the tire. Details coming soon.
  First NewsWell, If you are here you already know that the newest thing here is the Daily Word. Check back Daily for news from Us here at Odyssey. Thats Chris, Nuno, Jim and our team members who have news. The newsletter is still available, the Online Store is operational, and New Pics, Info, and features have […]
  ContestsIn case you care who is going to what, Mike aitken, Gary Young, Ryan Sher, Scott Foster and Robby Compartino(Odyssey Canadian rider) will be at the CFB in Woodward west. Adam Banton and Scott are going to the Ohio-Vans triple crown. Jim Cielencki and Scott are probably going to the Urban Games and Backyard Jam […] has a cool little feature on Jim Cielencki. Be sure to check out the 3rd picture down.,15737,551151,00.html has a cool little feature on Mike Aitken. check it out,15737,550830,00.html
  Gary youngEven though everbody likes seeing the ads we put up, im afraid i am going to have to report some news this time. Gary Young got second at the backyard jam in the U.K. Good job. Must have been those signature grips he’s riding. Get those and you to will get second at upcoming backyard […]
  EURO BBIn keeping with the times, here is our version of the EURO BB. There’s nothing wildly innovative here, but it does say Odyssey on the cups which looks cool once put on the bike. The kit comes with everything shown above and is available now.
  Signature GripsHere is a sneak peak at the Odyssey signature grips that will be available within a couple of weeks. The grips will be for Adam Banton (guitars), Gary Young (pre worn) and Rich Hirsch (alternating ribs). Gary’s and Rich’s are on the thin side, while Adam’s are on the thicker side. More signature grips will […]
  NEW TEAM MEMBERIt’s official, MATT BERINGER is the newest member of the Odyssey team. We are happy to welcome Matt to the team and look forward to working with him in the future.
  industry newsDue to conflict of interest issues, Vic Murphy is no longer riding for Odyssey.