Electronical: Mike AitkenI suppose it’d be safe to call this a bit of an Aitken week on our Daily Word. Two signature part updates and now his section from Electronical. Click Play and enjoy. In other Aitken and team news, Mikey and Chase are both in the top 5 nominees in this year’s Nora Cup for best […]
  Aitken Pivotal Saddles!Here are some more Mike Aitken signature products that just arrived. Nightwolf and Aitken Senior 2 saddles are now available for Pivotal posts. Hit up your local shops or mail-orders if you want some!
  Aitken Red Wall TiresFresh out of the shipment, here’s the latest variation of Mike Aitken’s signature tire! These red walls tires are available with our P-Lyte sidewalls and come in 1.90″ and 2.25″ widths. They’ll be shipping soon so local shops and mail-orders should be able to stock them in a couple weeks! In the mean time, download […]
  Vital’s Favorite Dirt RiderVital BMX had a recent poll asking its members who their favorite dirt rider was and Mike Aitken not only took the title, but he also had more than twice the number of votes than anybody else! Congratulations Mikey!!!!
  It Only Takes OnceSome of the clips in this are pretty hard to watch but it’s good seeing it though since it really puts into perspective how just one crash can really affect your life. Mikey’s been through a lot this past year and this video takes you through his highs and lows. His road to recovery continues […]
  Jimmy Levan and Aitken news…Ben came across this Jimmy Levan bio in a 1991 issue of Go Magazine. To put it into perspective, at the time of the interview, he was 17 years old and had national number 14 for 17 expert in racing. The full scan’s after the jump, but to get to it, you have to envision […]
  24″ Path and Aitken tires!24 inch tires means more surface area for skidding! If your 24″ Hazard Lite rims are getting lonely, our Path and Aitken tires are now available for your cruisers and 24″ freestyle machines. You can get Paths in 24×2.1″ and Aitkens in 24×2.25″ sizes. Download the wallpaper below then head over to your local shop […]
  Printing the InternetMags (and other stuff): Ride UK, Freestylin’, MikeAitken.com, Dig BMX, BMX Plus! and Ride BMX. Terry Adams, mid-trick at the Twilight Contest in Athens, GA. (Photo: ScoutATL) The title doesn’t really make much sense but whatever. Here’s a fairly hefty update from internet land and the real world. One of the big news of the weekend […]
  Mike Aitken Nightwolf SaddlesHere’s another railed saddle we have in this month. This version is of the Mike Aitken persuasion and is available in White or Sunset. They’re shipping now and will be available at your local shops very soon. Also, don’t forget to keep checking MikeAitken.com for the latest updates on Mikey. They haven’t updated in a […]
  AITKEN IN THE HOUSE.Mike Aitken, Trista, Baby Owen and Rob-O stopped by Odyssey today to say what’s up. We all tremendously enjoyed seeing Mike, and it’s great to see him up and about. We chatted for a bit before they had to take care of other stuff, and it was all good. The above iPhotos are courtesy of […]
  Mike Aitken Photo RetrospectivePhoto by Jason Eichhorst Dig just put up a gallery of Mike Aitken photos. Some of them have been published in the mag and some of them haven’t. All of them are awesome and there’s even a classic no-footer in the mix!
  In living colorWe just got a big shipment in and inside some of the boxes were these red and blue tires! They come in Path and Mike Aitken treads and are all decorated with tanwalls. Skid through your current set and get a new pair of these to match your Rocky Balboa shorts! They’re shipping next week so […]