Aitken Bike CheckMike Aitken sample bike check from Fit Bikes Mike Aitken has a bike check and mini Q&A up on the Fit site!
  Dakota Roche bike checkBike check from Photo by Fat Tony. Ride BMX just put a bike check up with one of our favorite riders, Dakota Roche. He’s rocking the new Cult frame and fully stocked on G-Sport and Odyssey components.
  splatteredMike Gonzalez sent us some pics of his splatter bike, decked out with some Fire Engine Red parts. The Senior 2 saddle is available now and the rest of the red will come early next year. We have Mike on the team as our designated racer but he’s down to shred some parks and ditches […]
  3/8 Axle for the Ratchet HubYou may have noticed on Adam Banton’s last bike check that he has a 3/8″ axle listed for his Ratchet hub and JC has one on his bike too. These aluminum axle kits are available now and come with spacers which helps fit the hub to most 14mm dropouts. If you’re looking to shave some […]
  Our nomad’s new rideAdam Banton shot a bunch of pics of his bike recently and sent it over to us. It’s looking rather devilish with the all black and splash of red scheme he has going on. Click around the flipbook above to see what parts he’s running and hit up the Q&A below to learn a little […]
  the JC BCPhoto by Jeff Z. Jim Cielencki has a Bike Check up on the Ride site. After going brakeless for a bit, he’s back to running stoppies again. Find out what else is on his bike and why by clicking the photo above!
  Gary Young Bike Check!Gary Young picked up a new frame sponsor pretty quickly and he’s now officially on Sunday Bikes! JC put up a bike check for Gary so head over there and check it out.
  Show Bike: Fire Engine RedWe have a couple show bikes lingering around our booth and one of them is completely decked out in the Fire Engine Red parts kit we posted a couple days ago. Aside from having the full kit, this bike also has our prototype seat post, which works for both pivotal and railed seats.
  (Tall) Bike CheckYou may have seen some photos of this tall bike floating around the internet these past few days and we decided to put together a little bike check featuring all of the parts we ended up using to make it happen. The hardest part to make this bike a reality was having a solid steering […]
  G-Sport George on BMXFeed.comWatch the videos after the link and hit up for other Interbike coverage. stopped by our booth again and hit up George to talk about our new seat post and the G-Sport Ratchet hub guard. The seat post is designed to be used with both pivotal AND railed seats while the hub guard […]
  Fire Engine RedYou may have noticed some red parts lingering around in the first flipbook we posted for this year’s Interbike. They are part of our new Fire Engine Red parts kit and it is our fullest kit to date. These guys are coming soon so keep an eye out for ’em!
  Interbike 2009Interbike is in full swing and we’ll be posting updates and debuting new products throughout the week. Above is a little taste of some of the things we brought to the big show.