Hoang Tran’s new BikeWe sent Hoang a Matte Kelly Green parts kit to build up his new bike and he sent us these photos showing him utilizing his new bike. Hop whip and bars, straight out of the box!
  Available Now – Matte Kelly Green KitOur latest color kit is Matte Kelly Green and it’s AVAILABLE NOW! Contact your local shops and mail-orders to load up on ’em.
  SHIPMENT: New Hazard Lite Wheel ColorsWe have a few new colors to add to our fleet of Hazard Lite wheels (Hazard Lite rims laced onto V3 Cassette & Vandero 2 hubs). These guys are available now in Hard Anodized Blue, Hard Anodized Red and Ocean Blue. Hit up your local shops and favorite mail-orders to upgrade! The V3 Cassette (rear […]
  New 3/8 Axle Conversion KitWe now have a dialed 3/8’s conversion kit available for our cassette hubs, which comes with everything you see above. This axle conversion kit will allow you to modify our standard V3 Cassette hub into an inbound 3/8’s axle with  G-Sport Bolts. Rather than just sawing the ends off of our normal 14mm axle and […]
  Justin Simpson Bike CheckHere’s Justin Simpson’s latest ride. As an added bonus, there’s even some riding footage thrown in at the end! Watch the vid and then say hi to him on Twitter @JShemidragon!
  Chase Hawk Bike CheckIt’s been a while since we last did a bike check with Chase Hawk. His bike is orange these days and loaded with our latest stuff, including his new signature sprocket! One other cool thing to note about Chase’s bike is his drive-train is manly! 180mm Twombolts, 30t C-512 sprocket and a 9t cog on […]
  BIKECHECK: Tom DuganHere is Tom Dugan’s latest ride, courtesy of PropsBMX.tv.
  SHIPMENT: Hard Anodized Red WheelsOur 24″ Hazard Lite complete wheels are now available in Hard Anodized Red. You can get a front wheel laced to our Vandero 2 hub or a rear wheel laced to our V3 Cassette. These are available now so hit up your local shops or mail-orders to upgrade your 24″ cruiser! 20″ sizes will be […]
  Hoang’s Shred SledHoang Tran has a bike check up on Ride BMX. Click the photo to get the parts break down and a little Q&A.
  Available Now: Fire Engine RedOur most complete parts kit ever is here and available now. Hit up your local shops and mail-orders to turn your bike red. Check out the Fire Engine Red flipbook for a complete parts list and more pics!
  Hoang’s new bikeHoang Tran built up a new bike recently and it’s looking slick. He has a lot of our Fire Engine Red parts on it (coming soon) and it’s looking great with his new signature frame. Click around the flipbook above to check it out! Thanks to Josh Hayes for the pics!
  The Dugan MobileTom Dugan recently built up a new Terrible One barcode and loaded it up with some Odyssey parts. Click around the flipbook above to check it out and stay tuned for a video with Tom later this week!